What happens if the trees are not pruned?

When a tree is infected with a disease and struggles to survive, not cutting off the affected branches can result in the death of the entire tree.

tree pruning

prevents the disease from spreading. During a strong wind or a strong storm, dead or dying branches are easily torn off the tree. Because they don't grow healthily, they're likely to deteriorate and die over time.

Not only will these branches be affected, but decay can spread to other branches of the tree. The worst case scenario is that the whole tree breaks down and needs to be removed.


cuts can stimulate new growths that, unfortunately, will die as temperatures drop to zero. Trees and shrubs reduce their energy production as the growing season ends, so new crops in autumn will use the plant's stored energy reserves.

Death from a freeze means that the energy used for this growth was wasted. It is best to prune the branches when they are less than 3 thick. For the first five years of a tree, structural pruning can ensure that growing branches have enough space and a strong and secure attachment to the trunk. The owners remove dead branches so that the tree looks better and becomes stronger.

They also prune dangerous branches that could fall on someone or on the roof during a thunderstorm. Shaping trees can also improve light diffusion and airflow into the treetop or into a person's house or landscape. Tree pruning is a science and an art. If you prune your trees without understanding the principles of pruning and tree growth, you run the risk of creating a repetitive pattern of damage to your trees that can cause them to decline.

Every pruning cut you make to a tree is a wound, but a correct pruning cut allows the tree to seal the injured area and prevents insects and diseases from taking hold within the tree. If you've ever seen a forsythia that has been cut down or a tree on top, then you know that headcuts generally don't work well. Pruning only creates the need for more pruning, but if the grower realizes that trees that do not need pruning also exist in this world and is determined to grow such trees, they will bear fruit without pruning them. A better approach is to prune the tree at regular intervals to correct the shape of a tree's crown and remove duplicate, crossed, overgrown or unbalanced branches.

Once the structure of a tree is set, the only pruning that needs to be done is to remove the “Four D's”. Pruning trees and shrubs is done for several reasons, such as reducing the size of the plant, opening the canopy, removing blockages, improving its shape, and eliminating dead or damaged growth. Andersen adds that many homeowners don't really know what kind of trees are on their property until a crisis occurs. If you have experienced a lot of wind or rain storms recently, you should walk around your property and see its trees.

If you are interested in understanding pruning or are thinking of hiring someone to prune your trees, let's first talk about what not to do to avoid major mistakes in pruning. Most of the time, it is the result of poor pruning practices that disfigure, damage and can even kill the tree. If you just start cutting tree branches, you won't succeed, says arborist. Now that you know when to prune and have learned the signs that your trees need pruning, you need to learn what exactly to prune.

However, in open center systems formed by thinning the branches of the scaffold growing in the center of the tree, the remaining branches of the scaffold open at the top of the tree and soon become entangled with the adjacent trees. Whether you live in the woods or have some trees in front for landscaping, you should know when to prune trees. The result of deformed trees can cause property damage due to uneven weight distribution between branches. .

Donna Kaak
Donna Kaak

Award-winning coffee advocate. Unapologetic tv nerd. Avid twitter aficionado. Web practitioner. Extreme twitteraholic. Hipster-friendly music enthusiast.